The Church Can't Honestly Endorse LGBTQ+ Pride
Jackie Hill Perry , author of "Gay Girl, Good God," is a Christian who struggles with same sex attraction, but chooses to live in a heterosexual marriage, denying the passions of her flesh in obedience to God. Before she knew Christ, she was in a relationship with a woman. After God called her to repent, she went to battle with herself and now shares her testimony of the transformative power of the gospel. She wrote in her book, "I don't believe it is wise or truthful to the power of the gospel to identify oneself by the sins of one's past or the temptations of one's present but rather to only be defined by the Christ who's overcome both for those he calls his own. All men and women, including myself, that are well acquainted with sexual temptation are ultimately not what our temptation says of us. We are what Christ has done for us; therefore, our ultimate identity is very simple: We are Christians. (Gay Girl, Good God. pg. 148)" The his...