Brothers and Sisters, We Must Agree To Disagree, To The Glory of God

Certain pitfalls of social media are more evident than others. Perhaps the most disheartening thing I have encountered is the inability of some Christians to disagree in a healthy manner.

I'm quite comfortable with the fact that different people have different experiences and values that shape them and as a result, hold different opinions from one another. This is true universally, and is no less true of fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. The difference between the Christian community and the world at large, is that Christians must submit to the authority of Scripture for the final say on theological matters. 

However, it doesn't take long to see that Christians often come to different conclusions about such things and as a result split into various denominations and Christian sub-cultures where they can worship together in harmony without strife. It's understandable that such splits happen because these spiritual beliefs are held more closely than others.

Though it goes against our human nature, it is very plausible to disagree with one another and still be united in Christian love. We must learn from Romans 14, wherein Paul discusses matters of conscience and how to walk in brotherly love when convictions differ from one another. 

To be clear, certain matters are very clearly laid out in Scripture - black and white, if you will. This passage is not addressing those things, but rather "gray areas" that the Bible doesn't specifically speak on.

The passage instructs believers not to despise each other for varying convictions, but to focus on the reality that we will each stand in judgment before God giving an account for own life, not our neighbor's.

Verse 13 puts an emphasis on looking out for the interests of others' by not causing them to stumble.

"Therefore let us not judge one another anymore,
 but rather determine this—not to put an obstacle
 or a stumbling block in a brother's way."

I think that point is critical, as it is so tempting to blow off someone else's conviction as no big deal and unintentionally cause them to struggle. Instead, we ought to carefully consider each other out of love.
As brothers and sisters in Christ, we ought to care for one another deeply. This doesn't mean agreeing with everything someone says, but it does mean respectfully listening. 

Anyone who knows me, knows that it is hardwired into my personality to enjoy stirring up and engaging in meaningful debate. 

It doesn't hurt my feelings when someone disagrees with me. On the contrary, I quite enjoy friendly banter between opposing views. I don't mind being proven wrong if someone has a valid point. I will absolutely hear them out. 

But to my disappointment, what I typically find instead is a society who either cowers from debate in fear of offending or those who regard differences in opinion as personal attacks on character, causing them to respond with rage, not intelligent discussion.

By all means, be firmly grounded in what you believe. Be grounded in truth, searching the Scriptures for evidence and humbly submitting to the lordship of Christ, not out of pride or a desire to be right. That kind of arrogance isn't helpful in any situation, no matter how true the things you're saying are. Speak the truth in love, so that you may grow in Christ.

After all, we must remember the greatest commandments of the Christian faith:

“Teacher, which is the great commandment in the Law?”
And he said to him, “You shall love the Lord your God with all
 your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. 
This is the great and first commandment. And a second is like it: 
You shall love your neighbor as yourself. On these two 
commandments depend all the Law and the Prophets. (Matthew 22:36-40 ESV)”

There are times when we will reach a compromise of opinions or be persuaded by the light of Scripture. But there are also times when we must agree to disagree, to the glory of God, out of brotherly love for one another. 


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